The Moonshiner

Botanical Sour 4.7%

All hail The Moonshiner and 

her sparkling pot of miracle brew. 

In the white light of the starry skies

Her truth juice rids tongues of lies. 

The man goes down the garden path

Spying a sip from her tub-o-bath,

a witches cauldron, with fruit it fills,

overflowing floral botanical spills. 

Left soured, a shrill yell pierces the night 

right into the day. Hark! Another one

falls to the wiles of Brogan’s Way.


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The Details

ABV 4.7%


Pilsner & Wheat

Mango, Raspberry, Grapefruit, Coriander, Juniper, Rose and Strawberry Gum

Tasting Notes